
Invited Talks and Keynotes

  • Maghoul P. with Richard Boudreault, Jason Robert Tavares, & Pierre-Jean Alarco. 02/2024. Panel sur la recherche collaborative en contexte autochtone, Polytechnique Montreal, Montreal, Quebec, Canada. (in person)
  • Maghoul P., 01/2024. Small Modular Nuclear Reactors for Energy Transition in Northern Canada, International Symposium on “Climate-Resilient and Equitable Infrastructure”, Tufts University, Boston, Massachusetts, USA. (in person)
  • Maghoul P., 01/2024. Role of Geotechnical Engineering in Human Settlement on the Moon and Beyond: Challenges and Opportunities. The Ottawa Geotechnical Group (OGG), Ottawa, Canada. (in person)
  • Maghoul P., 12/2023. Role of Microbes in Climate Change and Green Geotechnical Practice,  The Annual Christmas Dinner of the Canadian Geotechnical Society – Southern Ontario Section (CGS-SOS), Brampton, Ontario, Canada. (in person)
  • Maghoul P. with Foutse Khomh, 11/2023. Réflexion sur le futur, sur l’intelligence artificielle, et sure l’exploration de l’univers. Cérémonie du 150e anniversaire de Polytechnique Montréal, Montreal, Canada. (in person)
  • Maghoul P. with Chamirai C. Nyabeze, Daniel Sax, Kathryn Wortsman, Brian Gallant, 11/2023. Panel on “The Final Frontier of Mining”, MaRS CLIMATE IMPACT 2023 by MaRS Discovery District, Toronto, Canada. (in person)
  • Maghoul P. with Sabin Boily, Fiona Milano, Pierre Baptiste, Jonathan Durand Folco, Philippe Beaudoin, 11/2023. Débat sur « La technologie sauvera-t-elle le monde? ». Soirée organisée par Propolys dans le cadre de la Semaine de l’impact de Startup Montréal à la Maison Notman House, Montreal, Canada. (in person)
  • Maghoul P., 10/2023. Digital Twins for Climate Adaptive Management of Geo-Infrastructure. Invited Plenary Conference at the University of Mohammed V of Rabat, Rabat, Morocco. (in person)
  • Maghoul P., 10/2023. Role of Microbes in Climate Change and Geotechnology. Workshop at the University of Mohammed V of Rabat, Rabat, Morocco. (in person)
  • Maghoul P., 10/2023. How to build on the Moon. Workshop at the University of Mohammed V of Rabat, Rabat, Morocco. (in person)
  • Maghoul P., 10/2023. Stress Waves For Characterization of Multiphase Geomaterials. Congreso Internacional de Ingeniería Geotécnica GEOPUCP, Peru. (virtual)
  • Maghoul P., 10/2023. Role of Geotechnical Engineering in Human Settlement on the Moon and Beyond: Challenges and Opportunities. 2023 Canadian Geotechnical Colloquium, Saskatoon, Canada. (in person)
  • Maghoul P., 06/2023. Geotechnical Seismic Design on the Moon: Some Considerations. NASA Lunar Surface Innovation Consortium (LSIC), the Johns Hopkins University Applied Physics Laboratory (APL), Howard County, Maryland, USA. (virtual)
  • Maghoul P., 06/2023. Emerging technologies and accessibility to engineering mechanics education: Virtual reality tour of a geomechanics lab. NSF Workshop: Engineering Mechanics Education, Atlanta, Georgia, USA. (in person)
  • Maghoul P. with Dr. Xenia Wirth (California State Univ.), Dr. Kamyar Davoudi (Avidemia), Dr. Mathieu Vandamme (Ecole des Ponts Paris Tech), Dr. Jia-Lang Le (U. of Minnesota), 06/2023. Panel on “Teaching careers in engineering mechanics”. NSF Workshop: Engineering Mechanics Education, Atlanta, Georgia, USA. (in person)
  • Maghoul P., 05/2023. Infrastructures lunaires résilientes – le rôle de géotechnique. ACFAS – Colloque 215 – Contribution du Canada et d’ailleurs à l’exploration spatiale, Montreal, Quebec, Canada. (in person)
  • Maghoul P., 03/2023. Exploring the Known-Unknowns & Unknown-Unknowns of Geotechnology on the Moon. Guest Lecture, Planetary Surface Technology Development ClassMassachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT), Cambridge, Massachusetts, USA. (virtual)
  • Maghoul P. with Chris Herd (University of Alberta), Myriam Lemelin (Université de Sherbrooke), and Gordon (Oz) Osinski (Western University). 03/2023. Panel on “The Future of Planetary Exploration in Canada”. The 54th Lunar and Planetary Science Conference (LPSC), Houston, Texas, USA. (in person)
  • Maghoul P., 03/2023. What Does It Really Mean to Belong?. International Women’s Day 2023 Webinar – Canadian Geotechnical Society, Canada. (virtual)
  • Maghoul P., 01/2023.  Un système de forage vibrant bio-inspiré pour la reconnaissance souterraine sur la Lune. Comité Français de Mécanique des Sols et de Géotechnique (CFMS), Webinaire “Géotechnique et géophysique extra-terrestre”, France. (virtual)
  • Maghoul P., 01/2023.   Modélisation du fluage thermique du pergélisol, La Société canadienne de géotechnique – Section
    régionale Est du Quéebec, Ville de Québec, Canada. 
  • Maghoul P., with Marla Haring (MDA). 01/2023. Panel on “Artemis, Settlements on the Moon, and Beyond”, Canadian Space Conference, Montreal, Quebec, Canada. (virtual)
  • Maghoul P., 11/2022. Space Mining & Planetary Subsurface Characterization & Off-Earth Cities. SPEX2022 – Space
    Exploration Conference, Montreal, Canada. (in person)
  • Maghoul P. with Marc Donato (Canadian Space Mining Corporation), 11/2022). PANEL on Space Mining. The Space Exploration Conference (SPEX2022), Montreal, Canada. (in person)
  • Maghoul P., 11/2022. Using waves for subsurface ice detection on Earth and the Moon. Intertribal Space Conference, Clinton, Oklahoma, USA. (virtual)
  • Maghoul P., 11/2022. A bioinspired vibro-based robotic system for space miningMoving to Mars: 2022 International Workshop on Technology Development for Mars Human Exploration (co-organized by the European Space Agency (ESA) and the Mars Society of Canada), Montreal, Canada. (in person)
  • Maghoul P. with Mark Beam (Managing Partner, Heartland P5 Holdings), Pooneh Maghoul (Polytechnique Montreal), Robert Mueller (Senior Technologist, NASA, Kennedy Space Center). 10/2022. PANEL on Beyond Mega City Future World Vision. ASCE 2022 Convention, Anaheim, California, USA. (in person)
  • Maghoul P., 10/2022. What They Forgot to Teach Me at School: the Journey of a Millennial Female Faculty. Canadian Geotechnical Society Young Professional Conference 2022, Banff, Canada. (in person)
  • Maghoul P., 10/2022. Permafrost: A Carbon Time Bomb Beneath Our Feet. Departamento de Ingeniería Civil, Universidad de Chile, Santiago, Chile. (virtual) [Link]
  • Maghoul P., 10/2022. Beyond Mega City … FROZEN CITY is melting!. ASCE 2022 Convention, Anaheim, California, USA. (in person)
  • Maghoul P., 06/2022. On Track to Monitor Permafrost Thawing – Accessibility at the Forefront of Northern Development, Natural Resources Canada, Canada. (virtual)
  • Maghoul P., 04/2022. Role of AI in predicting climate disasters in northern regions. Researcher Live month-long series of 12 events on Climate Change, Conservation, Sustainability and Ecology, United Kingdom. (virtual) [Link]
  • Maghoul P., 04/2022. Strengthening Vulnerable Populations. IVADO World Creativity and Innovation Day, Canada. (virtual)
  • Maghoul P., 03/2022. Underground Energy Harvesting for Green Buildings and Sustainable Development in Canada. Green Construction Research and Training Centre (GCRTC) at UBC, Canada. (virtual)
  • Maghoul P. with Roberto de Moraes (AECOME). 02/2022. Lunar Geotechnics: Challenges and Opportunities. TVSeminars, Canada. (virtual) [Link]
  • Maghoul P., 01/2022. Toward a Digital Twin for Permafrost Management in the Context of Climate Change. Golder’s Eastern Canada Mine Waste group, Canada. (virtual)
  • Maghoul P., 01/2022. Toward a Digital Twin for Permafrost Management in the Context of Climate Change. UAlberta Geotechnical Centre Seminar Series, Canada. (virtual) [Link]
  • Maghoul P., 11/2021. Permafrost: From the Canadian Arctic to the Moon, Mars, and Beyond. Canadian Permafrost Association Annual General Meeting 2021, Canada. (virtual)
  • Maghoul P., 10/2021. Caractérisation des résidus miniers et développement d’un jumeau numérique pour les systèmes de détection rapide et d’alerte des sites de pergélisol affectés par le changement climatique. The Research Institute on Mines and Environment (RIME) UQAT-Polytechnique, Montreal, Canada. (virtual)
  • Maghoul P., 10/2021. The Beauty of Poromechanics: From Permafrost to Moonquake. GeoEngineering Centre at Queen’s-RMC, Canada. (virtual)
  • Maghoul P., 05/2021. Poromechanics for sustainable development. Research Showcase Roundtable, Research activity presentation to Will Amos, Parliamentary Secretary to Minister François-Philippe Champagne, Winnipeg, Canada. (virtual)
  • Maghoul P., 02/2021. How to characterize permafrost in the context of climate change?. International event on ’Nature Inspired Solutions for the built Environment (NISE 1): integrated natural and engineered systems’, United Kingdom. (virtual)
  • Maghoul P., 03/2020. From earthquake to bonequake: a light shed on bone characterization and osteoporosis. Seminar, Graduate Program in Biomedical Engineering, University of Manitoba, Winnipeg, Canada. (virtual)
  • Maghoul P.01/2019. Energy Geo-Structures in Cold Region, Building Energy Management Manitoba, Winnipeg, Manitoba. (in person)
  • Maghoul P., 04/2018. The Effect of Heat and Mass Transfer in Freezing Unsaturated Soils on Heat Loss through the Below-grade Building Envelope. Seminar, Department of Soil Science, University of Manitoba, Winnipeg, Canada. (in person)
  • Maghoul P.03/2018. Numerical Programming of Wave Propagation in Soil. SoilVision Systems Ltd, Saskatoon, Canada. (in person)
  • Maghoul P., 02/2018. Seismic Vulnerability of Masonry Buildings. Guest Lecture: CIVL 4020 – Masonry Design and Construction, Winnipeg, Canada. (in person)
  • Maghoul P., 02/2018. Lessons Learned from the Most Destructive Earthquake of 2017 – Kermanshah Earthquake. Seminar, University of Manitoba, Winnipeg, Canada. (in person)
  • Maghoul P., with Maurice Dusseault, Steve Grasby, Jasmin Raymond (Moderator: Robert Gracie). 09/2017. Keynote Panel Discussion. Geothermal Symposium, Panel 1 (Academic) | Overcoming R&D challenges for Geothermal Energy: Navigating Convolutions of technical, social, and political Paradigm shifts of the 21st Century, Waterloo, Canada. (in person)
  • Maghoul P.09/2017. Application of Thermal Piles and Energy Efficiency of Basements. Geothermal Symposium, WISE University of Waterloo, Waterloo, Canada. (in person)
  • Maghoul P., 11/2016. Heat Exchange between the Ground and the Shallow Foundations by Considering the Effect of Seasonal Frost. Canadian Geotechnical Society – Manitoba Section, Winnipeg, Canada. (in person)
  • Maghoul P., 03/2011. Three-dimensional Transient Thermo-Hydro-Mechanical Fundamental Solutions of Unsaturated Soils. International Workshop on Characterisation of Materials with inherent Micro structure: towards modeling of hydro-mechanical behavior – Ruhr-Universitat, Bochum, Germany.