Inventions and Entrepreneurships
Patents, Intellectual Property, & License

Maghoul P., Cui S., Filed April 2023. A single-sensor system for length estimation of unknown piles using guided waves, US Provisional Patent No: 63/497,256.
Maghoul P., Cui S., Filed April 2023. A guided wave and genetic algorithm-based inversion process for the automatic characterization of pile foundations, US Provisional Patent No: 63/497,262.

Maghoul P., Alaei M., Wu N., Filed April 2022. Vibratory burrowing probe for investigating subsurface regions of granular media in 1g and low/micro gravity conditions, US Provisional Patent No: 63332775.
Maghoul P., Liu H., Mantelet G., Shalaby A., Systems and Methods for In-situ Characterization of Permafrost Sites, PCT/CA2022/050785.
Maghoul P., Liu H., Shalaby A., Systems and Methods for Ultrasonic Characterization of Permafrost and Frozen Soil Samples, WO2022011450A1.
Maghoul P., Liu H., Shalaby A., Systems and Methods for Ultrasonic Characterization of Saturated Soil Samples, United States Application No: 17/371,472.
SOFTWARE LICENSES: Computational Tools for Geotechnical/Geophysical Applications
Liu H., Maghoul P., Mantelet G., Shalaby A., June 2021. GeoNDT: a geotechnical NDT software.
Under license: Academic License (500$) annually, for use by universities and colleges for research and/or teaching purposes. Perpetual license, software updates included when available. No technical support provided; and Commercial License (1500$) annually, for private sector use. 12-month license. License renewal is required for the continued use of the software and to obtain software updates. Technical support included.
GeoNDT is a fast, physics-based, general-purpose computational tool mainly for advanced signal interpretation in geophysical laboratory non-destructive testing including the bender element (BE) and ultrasonic pulse velocity (UPV) tests, characterization of complex multiphase geomaterials, in-situ shallow seismic geophysics including the falling weight deflectometer (FWD) and multichannel analysis of surface waves (MASW) tests.
Fatolahzadeh A., Maghoul P., January 2024., Under open-source GPL-3.0 License.
Under license: Academic License (0.00$) for use by universities and colleges for research and/or teaching purposes.
Janus is a machine learning forecasting framework for climate variables for resilient infrastructure design.
Amini D., Maghoul P., Gatmiri B., Kamalian M., 2020. SiteQUAKE: a Seismic Site Effect Software.
Under two licenses: Academic License (0.00$), for use by universities and colleges for research and/or teaching purposes. Perpetual license, software updates included when available. No technical support provided; and Commercial License (250.00$) annually, for private sector use. 12-month license. License renewal is required for the continued use of the software and to obtain software updates. Technical support included.
SiteQUAKE is a computational software developed mainly for 2D seismic site effect analyses. The product benefits from a hybrid Finite Element/Boundary Element (FE/BE) numerical framework which can be widely used in various geotechnical engineering problems.
Liu H., Maghoul P., Shalaby A., April 2020. Intelligent MASW, DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.3776875, Under open-source Apache License 2.0.
Under license: Academic License (0.00$), for use by universities and colleges for research and/or teaching purposes.
Intelligent MASW is a fast computational tool for Multichannel Analysis of Surface Waves (MASW) tests.
Liu H., Maghoul P., March 2022. WaveFrost, DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.5159712, Under open-source MIT License.
Under license: Academic License (0.00$), for use by universities and colleges for research and/or teaching purposes.
WaveFrost is a hybrid inverse and multi-phase poromechanical approach to quantitatively estimate the physical and mechanical properties of a permafrost site.
Maghoul P., Gatmiri B., 2020. OpenPoroBEM: a Boundary Element Method (BEM) Software for multiphase porous media, DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.4291023, Under open-source Apache License 2.0.
Under license: Academic License (0.00$), for use by universities and colleges for research and/or teaching purposes.
OpenPoroBEM is a Boundary Element Method (BEM) code for multiphase porous media subject to transient and dynamic loadings. The code can be used for dynamic (seismic site effects) and quasi-static analyses of bounded, unbounded, and half-space media.
Alaei M., Maghoul P., Wu N., August 2021. PESCE, DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.5202859, Under open-source Apache License 2.0.
Under license: Academic License (0.00$), for use by universities and colleges for research and/or teaching purposes.
PESCE is a closed-form continuum mechanics code based on the cavity expansion theory to model the penetration of subsonic rigid projectile probes and lunar landers into granular materials such as lunar regolith.
Liu H., Maghoul P., August 2021. UltraFrost, DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.5242514, Under open-source Apache License 2.0.
Under license: Academic License (0.00$), for use by universities and colleges for research and/or teaching purposes.
UltraFrost is a spectral-element software developed for pore-scale quantitative characterization of permafrost and frozen soil samples using ultrasonic waves.